Andarine Powder

Andarine Powder

Andarine Powder

Basic information andarine powder

  • Product name:Andarine powder
  • Specification:99%
  • MF:C19H18F3N3O6
  • Molar Mass:36 g/mol
  • CAS NO: 401900-40-1
  • Appearance:Light yellow Powder

What is andarine powder?

S-4 (Andarine) is the most investigated and researched modulator so far. It is also the most versatile ever created. Like most modulators, the primary purpose of S-4 aimed to develop an alternative treatment to age-related muscle wasting, osteoporosis, and similar symptoms of hypogonadism, or end-stage renal disease. S-4 binds incredibly well to the androgen receptors of bone and muscle. While it doesn’t tend to impress in terms of building pounds upon pounds of muscle, it has amazing effects on fat loss. Why? S-4 is the least anabolic, yet most androgenic modulator. When androgenic hormones or modulators attach to the androgen receptors in your adipose tissue or fat (yes we have androgen receptors in our fat too) they trigger fat oxidation.

This item is selective and shows no noticeable prostate activity. S-4 proved to be poor at building muscle tissue at lower doses, but it did, in fact, build lean hard muscle tissue at higher doses. S-4 is especially outstanding at strengthening, preserving and even building bone mass.

Benefits of andarine powder

Laboratory research shows:
gain muscle
gain strength
increase bone density
burning fat
increase vascularity


This product is for laboratory and research purposes only. Sarms are not sold for human consumption.

Why choose us?

Quality oriented, TQM system.
Expert & Professional team.
Comprehensive Lab Test machines.
Free samples for evaluation.
Customized service.

Packing & Storage

Pack in paper-drums and two plastic-bags inside. Net Weight: 25kgs/paper-drum.
1kg-5kgs plastic bag inside with aluminum foil bag outside. Net Weight: 20kgs-25kgs/paper-drum.
Store in a well-closed container away from moisture and light.

Shelf life

2 years if sealed and store away from direct sun light.

What Our Customers Say About Us?

 This is a great company to work with .. I spoke to the sales person and explained what I was needing. They were very knowledgeable on all aspects of their products.. After the order was complete , the shipping was outstanding. Fast and easy . I will use this company again 
